Indonesian Folklore Cindelaras from East Java

 Indonesian Folklore Cindelaras from East Java



Once upon a time, In the Kingdom of Jenggala. There lived a king named Raden Putra. He had a very kind consort and a beautiful concubine. However, the Concubine's Beauty was not the same as her heart. Concubines Have Very Envy Of The Empress.

The King's Two Wives Lived In A Very Magnificent Palace. The Concubine Starts Plotting Evil To Take The Empress' Position. He Teams Up With A Court Physician, To Carry Out His Plan.

One day, the king's concubine pretended to be sick. The King Immediately Calls a Physician. After checking the condition of the concubine, the king asked what happened.

"Your Majesty, there is someone who has put poison in the concubine's drink." The healer replied.

 “Who would dare to do this to my concubine?” asked the king.

 “The One Who Did This To Me Is Your Own Empress. It seems that the Empress wants to kill me so that Her Majesty's affection is only for her, and the power of the kingdom falls into her hands.'' replied the king's concubine.

Fairy Tale Indonesian Folklore Cindelaras

Hearing what the concubine said, the king was very angry and immediately ordered the duke to expel the empress who was pregnant and killed her in the forest. The Patih immediately took the Empress to the Wilderness. However, the very wise duke did not kill the empress. He knew this was the concubine's evil plan. Patih also catches a rabbit.

“Empress, I Will Not Kill You. However, I will tell the king that you have killed the servant, and to make the king and the princess's concubine dead. I will kill this rabbit, and smear its blood on the Empress's shawl and Servant's sword.'' Said the Patih.

"I am very grateful, Patih because you did not kill me and let me live." The Empress replied.

“Empress, I am compelled to leave you in this wilderness alone. I'm sorry for not being able to accompany you,'' said Patih.

After a few months, the Empress lived in the forest, she gave birth to a son. The child was given the name Cindelaras. Cindelaras Grows To Be A Smart And Handsome Child. Since childhood, he has been accustomed to making friends with animals.

One day, Cindelaras was playing. Suddenly, an eagle dropped an egg right next to Cindelaras. Cindelaras immediately took the egg and hatched it. Three weeks later, the egg hatched into a cute chick. Cindelaras took very good care of the chicken. The chicken's body looks strong and stocky, its beak is sturdy and pointed like an eagle's beak. Both legs are muscular and have sharp pointed nails like eagle's nails. However, the crowing sound is very different from other chickens. The crowing sound is very strange, "Kukuruyuk, Tuanku Cindelaras, his house is in the wilderness, his roof is made of coconut leaves, his father is Raden, the son of King Jenggala." Cendelaras rooster crowing.

Cindelaras was very surprised and immediately showed it to his mother. The Empress was very surprised to hear the crowing of the rooster. He immediately told who his father was and why they lived in the forest. Hearing his mother's story, Cindelaras decided to go to the palace to meet his father.

Initially, his mother did not allow Cindelaras to go. However, he kept pushing. After his mother let him go. He immediately departed in the company of his rooster. However, in the middle of the journey, Cindelaras met people who were fighting cocks. They saw Cindelaras bring his rooster and invite him to come to test the greatness of his rooster.

"Hey you, do you dare to have a cockfight with my strong rooster?" they said.

"Okay," Cindelaras replied.

Cindelaras's Rooster Can Defeat the Opponent After Several Fights. However, the chicken can't be beaten.

News about the greatness of Cindelaras's rooster was heard to the ears of King Raden Putra. The King immediately ordered his Hulubalang to invite Cindelaras to come to the palace. Cindelaras also arrived at the palace.

"Your Majesty, I am facing you," Cindelaras said politely.

''This child is very handsome and intelligent, it seems he is not from among the ordinary people,'' he said in his heart.

Finally, in the Battle of Cndelaras' Roosters Against the King's Roosters. However, the King made one condition to Cindelaras. If he loses, he must be willing to give up his rooster and his head in beheading. However, if he wins. King Raden Putra will give half of his wealth.

Two Roosters Fight Very Strongly. In a few minutes, Cindelaras's Rooster can beat the King's Rooster. The audience cheered to congratulate Cindelaras.

“Alright, I Admit Lost. I will surrender half of my wealth to be yours, Cindelaras. However, who are you really?” said the King.

Cindelaras immediately bent down and whispered something to the chicken. A few minutes later. The rooster makes a sound.

“Kukuruyuk… My Lord Cindelaras, His house is in the forest, the roof is made of coconut leaves, his father is Raden Putra…,” The rooster crowed over and over again.

Raden Putra was very surprised to hear the sound of the Cindelaras cock crowing.

"Is that true?" he asked very surprisedly and curious.

''That's right, Your Majesty. Servant of Cindelaras, Son of His Majesty's Empress." He answered firmly.

King Raden Putra, Immediately Calls the Patih. Patih Immediately Tells the Truth.

“I've Made a Mistake And Punished The Innocent Empress. I will give the concubine a proper punishment." He said regretfully.

King Raden Putra immediately hugged Cindelaras and asked for forgiveness for all his mistakes. Raden Putra, Patih, and Hulubalang went straight to the forest and picked up the empress.

Finally King Raden Putra, Empress, and Cindelaras Live Together And Happy. After Raden Putra Died. It was Cinderalas who succeeded his father as king. He ruled the kingdom fairly and wisely.






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