Once upon a time there lived a princess named Purbasari. He is the youngest son of Prabu Tapa Agung who is the king of the Pasir Batang kingdom. Purbasari has six older sisters namely Purbararang, Purbadewata, Purbaendah, Purbakancana, Purbamanik and Purbaleuih.

Purbasari is very good in nature and behavior. He is gentle, kind, and helpful. Anyone who needs help is happy to help. In addition to her beautiful heart, Purbasari also has a beautiful and handsome face, everyone who sees her will fall in love at first sight. Unfortunately, Purbararang's eldest brother, Purbararang, had a very bad temper. Although beautiful, Purbararang is very rude, arrogant, cruel, and envious of anyone.

After reigning for quite a long time, Prabu Tapa Agung intends to abdicate. It had been carefully thought out that to continue his leadership he would appoint Purbasari. The King had observed for decades that Purbasari was the most suitable person to replace him, not Purbararang even though Purbararang was his eldest son. The thoughts of the wise King were mainly due to the bad nature and behavior of his eldest son. Prabu Tapa Agung was worried that if Purbararang became King, the peace and tranquility of the people's lives would be disturbed and even damaged due to Purbararang's leadership which had a very bad character.

In front of all the royal dignitaries and also the king's seven daughters, Prabu Tapa Agung handed over his throne to Purbasari. Prabu Tapa Agung then left his royal palace to start his new life as a hermit.

Purbararang was furious to find that the throne of the Pasir Batang kingdom was handed over to his youngest brother and not to him. So, one day after Purbasari's coronation as Queen of the Pasir Batang Kingdom, Purbararang contacted her fiancé Indrajaya. The two of them then asked the witch for help to harm Purbasari.

Purbararang immediately carried out the message from the witch. The boreh was sprayed onto Purbasari's face and entire body. As a result, all over Purbasari's body appeared terrible black spots. With these conditions, Purbararang had reasons to expel Purbasari from the palace.

“The person who is cursed to have this terrible disease does not deserve to be the Queen of the Pasir Batang kingdom. He should have been exiled to the forest so that his disease wouldn't spread." Purbararang said.

Purbararang then took the throne of the Pasir Batang Kingdom. He ordered Uwak Batara who was the palace adviser to exile Purbasari to the forest.

When Purbasari was exiled in the forest, a big problem occurred in heaven. Prince Guru Minda did not want to marry an angel from heaven as ordered by his mother Sunan Ambu. Prince Guruminda is only willing to marry a woman whose beauty is equal to his mother's Sunan Ambu.

Sunan Ambu explained that the figure of a woman as beautiful as herself would only be met by Prince Guruminda in the human world. But if the Guruminda prince insists on meeting the woman according to his wishes, he must go to the world, not in the form of the handsome and handsome prince Guruminda, but the disguise of a langur." Lutung sack your name." said Sunan Ambu." Are you willing to do it?”

Prince Guruminda expressed his willingness. After transforming into a Lutung Kasarung, Prince Guru Minda immediately descended into the human world. He arrived in the forest. In a short time, Lutung Kasarung has become the king of the langurs and monkeys in the forest. This is very reasonable because there are no monkeys and langurs that can match the magic, intelligence, and strength of Prince Guruminda.

Lutung Kasarung knows the ugliness and cruelty of Purbararang who is enthroned as queen in the kingdom of Pasir Batang. Lutung Kasarung or Prince Guruminda wanted to teach the cruel Queen a lesson. So, when he heard of Purbararang's plan to look for sacrificial animals in the forest, Lutung Kasarung allowed himself to be captured by Purbararang's men.

Before being made a sacrificial animal, Lutung Kasrung suddenly went on a rampage and caused damage to the Pasir Batang palace. The soldiers of the Pasir Batang kingdom who intended to capture him were rendered helpless. Fleeting all who intend to capture him. Lutung Kasarung seems to show hostility to all the soldiers of the Pasir Batang Kingdom.

Seeing the condition of his soldiers who continue to be pressed. Purbararang asked Uwak Barata to tame Lutung Kasarung. Surprisingly, when Uwak Batara advanced to the battlefield, Lutung Kasarung seemed to have no intention of hurting Uwak Batara. Even when Uwak Batara caught him Lutung Kasarung did not fight back. Purbararang immediately asked Uwak Batara to throw Lutung Kasarung into the forest where Purbasari was exiled. He wanted Purbasari to be killed by Lutung Kasarung who he considered a wild animal.

Uwak Batara Lengser took Lutung Kasarung to the forest where Purbasari was exiled. Uwak Batara Lengser believes that Lutung Kasarung is not an ordinary animal, so he gave a message to Lutung Kasarung when they met Purbasari.” Lutung, the princess who is currently in front of you is the daughter of Prabu Tapa Agung. She is a kind princess and should be the Queen of the Pasir Batang Kingdom. It was only because of the power of evil that he was exiled and banished to this forest. Therefore you must guard our lord."

Lutung Kasarung nodded his head in understanding. So since then, Lutung Kasarung has been a guard as well as a close friend of Purbasari. With the presence of Lutung Kasarung by his side, Purbasari's sadness slowly disappeared. He found friends who comforted and protected him. To fulfill their daily needs, Lutung Kasarung ordered the monkeys to bring food and fruit to Purbasari. Purbasari's gentleness, kindness, and good nature make Lutung Kasarung more and more fond of Purbasari. Meanwhile, Lutung Kasarung's attitude of responsibility, leadership, and intelligence made Purbasari fall in love. The longer they feel inseparable anymore.

Unbeknownst to Purbasari, Lutung Kasarung begged his mother Sunan Ambu to make a beautiful garden with a bath for Purbasari. Sunan Ambu then ordered the gods and the angels to come down to earth to fulfill the wishes of his son. The Gods and Angels made a very beautiful garden and bath for Purbasari. The showerhead is made of pure gold. The walls and floors are made of marble. The flowing lake water comes from a small lake that is pure clean and with prayers from the gods. The Gods and Angels call this beautiful garden the Salaka Latrine. Besides making a beautiful lake and garden, the angels prepared some beautiful clothes for Purbasari. The clothes were very beautiful and soft. Made of soft clouds decorated with gemstones from the ocean. No clothes in this world can match the beauty of Purbasari's clothes.

At the time of seeing the lake with a beautiful shower. Purbasari immediately intends to take a bath to clean himself. At that moment, the curse that stuck to his face and body slowly disappeared. Her beauty has returned. Lutung Kasarung, who saw this, was flabbergasted, not expecting the person he had loved so far to turn out to be a very beautiful and enchanting woman. Even Purbasari's beauty can beat the beauty of Sunan Ambu. Lutung Kasarung and Purbasari were very happy with this situation. Although Purbasari has returned to her beautiful form, Purbasari's love for Lutung Kasarung has not diminished, it can be said to be increasing.

The news about the return of Purbasari's beauty was heard by Purbararang. Purbararang did not believe this news, he was still confident because he knew that the boreh that was sprayed on Purbasari contained a very evil and strong curse. Purbararang then invited his fiancée to see the truth of the news. How surprised he was to see Purbasari had returned to her beautiful and beautiful figure. Purbasari looks even more enchanting in the clothes of the angels.

Pursusari's hair is longer than Purararang's hair

Purbararang was worried that the return of her sister Purbasari's beauty would threaten the throne that she currently controls. He racked his brains looking for a way to get rid of his sister again, even this time he intended to get rid of Purbasari for good. Purbararang then challenged Purbasari to a long hair fight. He said." If my hair is longer than Purbasari's hair, then Purbasari's neck must be cut off by the royal executioner."

Purbararang swallowed a great disappointment after it was proven that her calf-length hair was not as long as Purbasari's heel-length hair. Purbararang was very embarrassed to find his defeat. To cover his loss. Purbararang poses a new challenge for Purbasari. Unmitigated this challenge was said in front of the entire community of the Pasir Batang Kingdom. In a loud voice for the community to hear, Purbararang said." If your fiancé's face is more handsome than mine, the throne of Pasir Batang will be handed over to you. But if it's the other way around, then you should let your throat be beheaded by the royal executioner."

Purbasari understands that he will not be able to win in this challenge. But his love for Lutung Kasarung made him strong. He held Lutung Kasarung's hand. "I love you and want you to be my husband." He said to Lutung Kasarung. Tears streamed down both of his cheeks. Lutung Kasrung held Purbasari's hand back then wiped the tears on the beautiful princess's cheeks.

Purbararang burst out laughing.” That black monkey is your fiancé?”

" Yes," Purbasari answered loudly and firmly.


Before Purbararang ordered the executioner to behead Purbasari. Lutung Kasarung suddenly sat cross-legged with his eyes closed. His mouth looks crooked. Suddenly thick smoke enveloped Lutung Kasarung's body. Not in a long time, the thick smoke disappeared, the figure of the langur kangaroo with an ugly face, disappeared as the thick smoke passed. Changed to the figure of Prince Minda who was very handsome and dashing.

Lutung Kasarung turned into a handsome Pangran guruminda

Surprised all who were present at the place to find this extraordinary miracle. How handsome Prince Guru Minda is, even far beyond the handsomeness of Indrajaya's fiancé from Purbararang.

Prince Guruminda then announced that the real queen of the Pasri Batang kingdom was Purbasari. Purbararang had suffered defeat from the challenge he had made himself.

Under such conditions, Purbararang could not deny and could not help but admit defeat. There was nothing else he could do other than hand over the throne of the Pasri Batang kingdom to his younger brother Purbasari. He also begged forgiveness for the crimes he had committed with his fiancé Indrajaya. With the kindness of his heart, Purbasari forgave his eldest brother's mistake.

Purbasari forgives Purbararang's mistakes

Since then Purbasari has returned to the throne as Queen. All the people were very happy to welcome their new queen, and at the same time released from the shackles of the evil Purbararang government. They are happier to know that their Queen Purbasari is married to the handsome and dashing Prince Guruminda. Purbasari and Prince Guruminda are alive.


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