
Showing posts from September, 2021

Indonesian folklore "GOLDEN SNAIL"

GOLDEN SNAIL     Once Upon a time. There lived a king named Kertamarta. He led a very beautiful and majestic kingdom, the kingdom was the kingdom of Daha. King Kertamarta has two beautiful daughters, Dewi Galuh and Candra Kirana. Their life is very happy and fulfilling. One day, there came a handsome prince from the kingdom of Kahuripan. The prince was named Raden Inu Kertapati. The Prince's arrival to the Daha kingdom was to propose to one of the King's daughters, namely Candra Kirana. The arrival and intention of the Prince were warmly welcomed by King Kertamarta. Princess Candra Kirana also accepted Prince Raden Inu Kertapati's proposal. Because of the engagement that made Dewi Galuh feel very jealous. He has a crush on Raden Inu Kertapati and feels that he is more suitable to be his fiancé. Feelings of envy then develop into feelings of hatred. Dewi Galuh began to plan to remove Candra Kirana from the kingdom. One day, Princess Dewi Galuh secretly went to me


INDONESIAN FOLKLORE "LUTUNG KASARUNG"   Once upon a time there lived a princess named Purbasari. He is the youngest son of Prabu Tapa Agung who is the king of the Pasir Batang kingdom. Purbasari has six older sisters namely Purbararang, Purbadewata, Purbaendah, Purbakancana, Purbamanik and Purbaleuih. Purbasari is very good in nature and behavior. He is gentle, kind, and helpful. Anyone who needs help is happy to help. In addition to her beautiful heart, Purbasari also has a beautiful and handsome face, everyone who sees her will fall in love at first sight. Unfortunately, Purbararang's eldest brother, Purbararang, had a very bad temper. Although beautiful, Purbararang is very rude, arrogant, cruel, and envious of anyone. After reigning for quite a long time, Prabu Tapa Agung intends to abdicate. It had been carefully thought out that to continue his leadership he would appoint Purbasari. The King had observed for decades that Purbasari was the most suitable perso

The Folktale of “Nyi Roro Kidul” Queen of the Coast of South Sea

  The Folktale of “Nyi Roro Kidul” Queen of the Coast of South Sea     A long time ago, in the area of ​​West Java, there is a kingdom called  Pakuan Pajajaran . The kingdom was led by a very wise king. The people under his rule were very happy and respected by the king because his leadership made the lives of the people prosperous. The king was named Prabu Siliwangi. The King had quite a several children, one of whom was named Putri Kandita. She is a very beautiful girl, kind and has the same nature as her father. Prabu Siliwangi loved her very much, and as she got older, Kandita's daughter increasingly had a beautiful face and if she was the only child, she was the future heir to the throne of Prabu Siliwangi. Hearing Prabu Siliwangi's wish to make Putri Kandita the successor to the throne, the concubines and their children did not agree. They are not willing if Putri Kandita will become Queen in the future. One day, the concubines and their children gathered to plan

INDONESIAN FOLKLORE " The Legend of Timun Emas"

INDONESIAN FOLKLORE " The Legend of Timun Emas"   A long time ago, in Java, there was a poor widow named Mbok Srini. She lived alone in her humble house on the edge of the forest. She felt so lonely. She prayed to the owner or creator to bless her with a child. One night, in her dream, she looked at something wrapped under a tree in the forest. She took this dream as men. This is an answer to her prayer. Later, she went to the forest to find it. For something wrapped inside a cloth under a tree, she hoped to find a baby to take care of. When she opened it, there was no baby inside. She only found a seed of cucumber on the wrapped cloth. Suddenly, she heard a peal of mysterious laughter. It has a green-skinned, giant named Butho Ijo. Butho Ijo means Green Giant. This green giant appeared behind her. The green giant asked her to plant the cucumber seed. Furthermore, she would have a child. She must look after the child, however, when the child had grown up, Mbok Srini mus


  INDONESIAN FOLKLORE "Malin Kundang"     Once upon a time, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatra lived a woman and her son. Her son name is Malin Kundang. Malin Kundang's father already had passed away when he was a baby, and he had to live hard with his mother. Malin Kundang grew a healthy, diligent, and strong son. He went to the sea to get fish, and brought them to his mother, or sold them in the town. One day, when he was sailing, he saw a merchant's ship which was raided by a small band of pirates. With his brave and power, he defeated the pirates. The merchant was happy and asked him to sail together. And he agreed with it. A few years later, Malin Kundang became a rich man. He became wealthy, with a big ship, loads of trading goods, many ship crews, and a beautiful wife. On his journey, his ship landed on one beach. The villagers recognized that he is Malin Kundang. The news ran fast in the town, and he was being popular. Now he is here.

INDONESIAN FOLKLORE" The Legend of Toba Lake"

  INDONESIAN FOLKLORE" The Legend of Toba Lake"   Long time ago, in the north Sumatra, lived a young man named Toba. He had two abilities in terms of fishing and farming. When fishing, Toba was very good and did not need a long time to get the fish. In the afternoon, he went fishing to a river. Within seconds after he threw the hook into the river, he got a big fish. He immediately went home and he ate it for dinner. He moved the fish from the creel to the tub filled in the water. He wanted the fish stay fresh when he wanted to cook it. So, the taste was very good. He decided to start cooking. He prepared seasoning and firewood. Unfortunately, the firewood in the house was out and he immediately looked for firewood in the jungle. A few hours later, he went home and carrying firewood to cook the fish. However, when he got home, he was surprised it. Suddenly, the fish was lost. He even found pieces of gold, and a beautiful girl who was sitting in his house. Toba was fal